Friday, June 06, 2008

That's What You Get For Doing Something Nice

The Canadian Press: Owen Sound, Ont., waitress laid off after shaving head for cancer charity
A waitress from Owen Sound, Ont., says she can't believe she was laid off after she had her head shaved for a cancer fundraising event.

Stacey Fearnall raised more than $2,700 for charity, but when she showed up for work and refused to sport a wig for her shift, her boss told her to take the summer off.
Wow. That's just killed all my optimism about the world for today lol. Why doesn't the guy just have the guts to admit he hires his waitresses based purely on their looks? He obviously hired her cos she was pretty, but now she's bald he doesn't want her anywhere near his restaurant, nevermind the fact that she raised thousands of dollars for charity.

Fuck you Dan Hilliard!

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