Thursday, January 01, 2009


Broadmoor beasts given porn on telly | The Sun |News
KILLERS and sex beasts in Broadmoor are watching TV porn at taxpayers’ expense.
I don't know how or why I came to this link but something made me click on it, and I ended up on the Sun website to see a crazy case of sensationalism.

Firstly it's hilarious that they have to call prisoners "beasts", in case people were unsure how they felt about prisoners now they know how to feel.

Secondly I don't think the Sun has a moral right to complain about porn anywhere considering that it shows a naked girl on page 3 every day of the week!?
A Broadmoor spokesman said: “Only material deemed appropriate for viewing will be allowed.”
The Sun has done more than any other organisation to promote porn as acceptable and publishable in the mainstream media. When three million people open their daily newspaper every morning and see a naked woman on page three, it's hardly going to make them more prudish is it!?!?

Thirdly, the whole way the article is worded gives the impression that prison bosses specifically installed a porn channel which isn't the case at all. All that happened is the prison upgraded their television system to digital, and as a consequence, some porn is on. Now I'm pretty sure it's impossible to get a digital tv package where there is no porn on at any time of the day somewhere. It's everywhere these days, and surely if the Sun really has a problem it should be directed at that issue?

And more broadly, the entire approach the Sun has towards prisoners is wrong in my opinion. They think they should be treated like animals (hence the "beasts") with no rights at all, but I have a hunch that if you treat people like human beings they are slightly more likely to rejoin society as an actual human being, rather than come out still an animal. I can't understand why the Sun can be so angry that prisoners in Broadmoor got to have a party for halloween, or a comedian on at christmas. Does it make you feel better if others are treated worse?

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